Restoration Through Bombs: Seeding 900,000 Trees In Flight
Welcome to a world that is struggling to make amends to the problems that have been brought upon in the name of science and development.
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Welcome to a world that is struggling to make amends to the problems that have been brought upon in the name of science and development.
The Amazon has been burning for weeks amid increasing deforestation and people have been unaware due to the lack of media coverage. The intense smoke
The barometer is dropping, skies filled with scudding clouds Which gather into towers, bottoms dark as funeral shrouds Winds, that once were calm, now cause
As I sit gazing at the infinite sea… I think about everything in front of me… Clenching my fists with mounds of sand… Thought
Missing is a feeling that connotes So many things; Anxiety tinged emotions bound Quite tightly by life’s strings Or maybe just a tiny miss, when
I lay down on a sun warmed patch of grass upon a hill, And looking up to cloud-flecked blue, it seemed that time stood still.
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The Walls We Build: “There is loneliness in this world so great that you can see it in the slow movement of the hands of
I’m skilled at bottling up my feelings but I’ll burst if you shake me. one pull at a loose thread and I come apart at
Another child has been killed by yet another house-help – this time they are both males. The boy, a child of 3, was placed inside
At exactly twelve noon, she was found dead. Sitting all by herself, a fat old cat resting at the foot of her chair; oblivious of