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Say her name
Burned to death for speaking out
Placing seeds of doubt
Telling it like it is
Say her name
Burned alive for speaking her mind
She lives among you
The silenced and ostracised
We decry the burning of one
The stinking rotting flesh
Oh her pain
Her dear body oh the pain
Sister we hang our heads in shame
For your pain
The other lives before our eyes
She spoke up too
The civilised few said
We shall not burn her
That is not how our colony stands
We shall destroy her piece by piece
Take her apart in ways only she shall understand
Label her the hysterical woman
Tell you she has lost her mind
Ridicule and reject her efforts in life
From this moment on
The woman
Who spoke out
Shall be shut out
Say her name
If you are allowed
If the closed members’ bars shall deem it so
Say her name
So loud that the walls shake
And the temples of innate veiled darkness
Say her name
Defame the moguls
Say her name
Let her not burn silently inside
Let her not burn alone
Say her name