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I read somewhere
about this French artist
making porcelain weapons
They symbolise women,
delicate, yet dangerous,
or at least that’s what I remember
It made no sense
until you told me
I don’t seem attractive anymore
There wasn’t even a crack
on your colourless face,
no hint that you still feel
I cried that morning,
also later in the afternoon,
but you know that of course
You offered me a hug (ha ha)
like it would be even possible,
with porcelain weapons drawn
Tomáš Miklica
Tomáš Miklica (*1991) is a Czech journalist and author. Living in Prague, Aarhus and Brussels throughout the years, he wrote for magazines, newspapers or for the EU institutions. He writes prose in Czech and poetry in Czech and English. He has also co-founded a Czech version of the Google Poetics project, later leading to an e-collection of the AI poetry.