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It is not a shame
To lose your footing,
To fall and break,
To let the darkness in
To cry out for help,
Because we live on a tightrope.
Hope might not be a comrade,
Since none hear your cry,
Yet you know,
That there’s a light somewhere,
Waiting patiently for you to come.
So start believing,
Heal slowly,
Get up,
Hang on,
Then run.
Run to the light
As fast as you can
And don’t stop,
Even if you’ve reached the light,
For the darkness is powerful,
Know also that courage is with you,
Courage is a diamond,
Buried deep inside us all,
It is hard to find,
Yet not impossible,
Same as the journey to the light,
Hard yet not impossible,
So get back up,
Hang on,
Then keep running.
Rosiana Putri
I'm Rosiana, a seventeen-year-old girl from Indonesia. I have been writing since 6th grade and I couldn't imagine a life without writing. I'm also a big fan of fantasy and Cassandra Clare is my hero.