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The greatest mistake science ever taught me
was to make me think I am in the universe,
that I am confined in dust,
an image of billions,
lost in the mirror of my own self
like a tarred road that ends in the dust.
They called me nothing but dust
but they are wrong!
I am the image, I am the dust,
I am the burnt and the aftermath.
The universe is in me,
I have the universe in my bone,
I am the endless glory of the mornings,
I am the beautiful stars that dine at night,
I am the meteors falling,
I am the vapors rising,
When I look at my skin, I don’t see black or white or brown,
No! I don’t see that, I see the sun, not a skin,
I see fire all over me, I see greatness.
I AM the one that grows the cloud,
I AM the one that weeds the sky.
To bloom, I don’t need the sun,
I AM the sun on sunless days.
To sprout, I don’t need the waters
I am the waters that give life to the sea.
I AM the I AM
I AM who I choose to be…
I AM….. the greatest. Yes, I AM.