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Measurable volume empty space
Sun has risen, hours passed
Since the last few patrons laughed then left
Distinctive timber presence remain
Juke joint slumber, eerie din
Kept captive and alive within somehow
Stand still listen in
ghostly relics, remnants’ hiss
Let the stereo-cilia be kissed to see
Amazing echoes juke box spins
refusing decay, reverberations
Of spilt celebrations over the years
Smokers exhalations cloud
poltergeist lung, sinister haunt
Not to taunt but to mimic past joys
Empty container half full
Dance floor, porous cache
Reminiscent stash to where routine escaped.
Paul Summers
Paul Summers is a non-traditional student working on his BA. He is the father of a blended family of three. He is an addict in recovery with 11 years clean and sober.