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I travel the world in daydreams.
I become someone else sometimes.
I live to a ripe old age and then
I become myself completely satisfied.
I follow no one. It is the only way
to feel free. Traveling in daydreams
is not unlike traveling in a regular dream.
I find an open road and pick up steam.
Suddenly, I am flying in the sky.
Luis Cuauhtémoc Berriozábal
Luis Cuauhtémoc Berriozábal, born in Mexico, lives in Southern California, and works in the mental health field in Los Angeles. His first book of poems, Raw Materials, was published by Pygmy Forest Press. His other poetry books, broadsides, and chapbooks, have been published by Alternating Current Press, Deadbeat Press, Kendra Steiner Editions, New American Imagist, New Polish Beat, Poet's Democracy, and Ten Pages Press (e-book)