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Darkness has formed a thick veil over our gazes
Even gross darkness is glooming before our faces
Like the atmosphere surrounding the earth she has surrounded our hearts
Her irresistible enchantment has seized our sights like a masterpiece of art
Riding in her courts like a wish has now become a horse
Continually dwelling in her and her in us
Dining and wining in her flamboyant garden
Partying with her like a convict just granted pardon
Who says this kind of darkness comprehends light?
Why on earth will sunlight be compared with moonlight?
Who says the perfect way of life is by hiding behind shadows?
Who says grasses ain’t greener on the other side cos you’re restricted to one meadow?
What is this blindfold hindering our view?
What is this dangerous adhesive stuck on our pupils like glue?
What darkness is this?
What is this disease?
It is simply a stronghold of ignorance
Which has elated to a state of regression yet with arrogance
My people are destroyed because they lack knowledge.
Know now and grow now or be driven to the edge.