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He wants to embrace the night;
The dark, mysterious but mesmerizing sight.
The starry sky,
Lonely moon,
Stuck in his head
As the lone sun stand aloof
In the gaudy Spring day
Amidst bluish sky.
He desired to meet the woman
Dwelling in the moon
As they say in the tales
Of the immortal boon.
The rendezvous could be his dream
With eyes shut in peace
Waiting for her gracious self
To descend and meet.
He wanted to remain asleep
Coiled in the warm sack
On the icy night
Cuddling her through the life
As long as the sun shines.
It ought to be the day
When there was night
As the cycle runs
Of the nature might.
Raeesa Usmani
Research scholar in the Department of English Veer Narmad South Gujarat University, Surat Gujarat, India