Dr. Priyanka Reddy: Another Harrowing Brutal Rape and Murder

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The news about the murder of a 26-year-old Indian Vet named Priyanka Reddy is circulating the Internet. 

For those who are not aware, Priyanka was raped and burned in the area of Hyderabad, India on November 28. 

The Heavy.com reports that the suspects have been named as; Mohammed Areef, 26, a truck driver who is from Jakkulare, Jollu Shiva, 20, cleaner, Jollu Naveen, 20, driver and Chintakunta Chennakeshavulu, 20, from Gudigandla. The two drivers had been bringing a truck full of bricks to the region when they met Shiva and Chennakeshavulu. Several Media also report that the four men are thought to have been drunk at the time of the attack. 

As reported, Police have confirmed that Reddy was approached by the four men after a tire on her motorcycle punctured around 9:30 p.m. at the Tondupally toll plaza of Outer Ring Road at Shamshabad on the close to Hyderabad. Authorities have told that the men offered to fix the tire. The Gulf News reports Reddy was on her way back from the dermatologist, following a day of work at a veterinary hospital. Reddy had taken a cab from the toll plaza, where she had parked her motorcycle. When she returned, Reddy saw that one of her tires was punctured.

At around 10:00 p.m., Reddy had called her sister, Bhavya Reddy, to describe her fear-psychosis after which she had been advised by the sister to take a taxi home. The next phone call had not been answered by Priyanka, and that’s when police confirm the assault began. Police also say that the men sexually assaulted Reddy and suffocated her to death.

Although this is not the first time such news has reached the public, back to back cases similar to that of Priyanka’s has outraged people and the families in India have already begun restricting their daughters from going out according to the Tweet made by an Indian singer named Chinmayi on this issue that goes as: 


“The outcome of Priyanka Reddy burned in Hyderabad yesterday. Girls are asked to stay home. Girls need to stop classes, hobbies, whatever they may do after work just so that they don’t get raped. If this is not screwed up, I don’t know what is.”


Many other celebrities have placed their opinions, condolences and expressed their anger regarding the brutal murder of Priyanka Reddy. 



As the team of Merak, we would want to place our statement regarding this issue as follows: 

Priyanka Reddy is not the first innocent soul lost. 

She cannot be the last too. 

But if this continues, it is not women we are losing; the whole of mankind instead.

It is not about women’s liberation, 

It is about humanity as a whole. 

It is not only about creating a safe environment for women,

But building a peaceful future. 

Merak Editor

May contain contributions from various authors under discussed hot topics. Consent, authority and publishing rights are held by Merak Inc. UK.


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