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Blood flowed around
As she killed herself
Ignoring the salty tears
And painful gasps.
Because, she was fed up of the
Dehumanisation and isolation
All she did was speak out
About the harassment
she was put through.
Thereafter, followed the infamous
and constant gas lighting…
Did I speak the truth?
She questioned herself.
But why wouldn’t anyone believe me?
She pondered.
Maybe I lied as they said?
Her very own sanity had started betraying her.
Was it actually my fault?
She thought.
Yes, maybe it was.
I thought I had covered enough?
Was it worth being a survivor
In a world where I am considered a liar?
Questions kept on piling to which,
the answers were never found.
Oh! You must be wondering about her harasser
Why bother when we live in a society that saves the perpetrators?
Why care when he tactfully got away like all other liberal abusers?
Yes! They are just so free preying on their next victim.
Sometimes, it’s too late.
But maybe, if at least one stood by her, supported her,
she wouldn’t have ended her life.
The world wouldn’t have lost a warrior!