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Poems of rebellion, fire and beauty
Wild Embers by Nikita Gill is a firestorm of lovely prose, that at times, can be quietly powerful and other times, is an exhilaration of a pure unstoppable force. I will try and keep this review brief, only because I wholeheartedly believe that this is a poetry collection that needs to be read.
Through her poetry and mini-narrations, Gill explores femininity, empowerment, beauty and personal growth. There is a sense of finding one’s own enlightenment within the words on the page so the reader can gain an even deeper understanding of themselves – and that right there is the beauty of this collection.
There is a majesty to Gill’s words, and I found it quite powerful and honestly, empowering when she would emphasise our closeness to the universe. How magical each individual is in connection with the origin of our world, for instance:
Someone I loved once told me that there are fragments within us that are the same age as the universe, and because we are matter, we can never be destroyed. That a part of us will live forever and ever, and that in making us the universe was celebrating itself, we are its living, breathing joy (p. 1).
How beautiful is that? It made me reflect and perceive myself in a different light. And that was the first page, that is what the reader is confronted with when they first open this book and begin reading it, and I think it really sets the tone for the rest of the collection. You will find re-telling’s of fairy tales which are kickass and epic; you will find magic in how you survive, in how you experience life, in how your beauty is unique and as wonderful as the universe that created you.
Gill is a wonderful poet and a powerful writer. Her actual poems themselves are beautifully crafted, and there are so many that I would call my favourites. Honestly, read this poetry collection if you want to read raw and powerful words that can help you see yourself and arm yourself with empowerment and self-love.
About the Author:
Nikita Gill is an Indian Sikh writer brought up in Gurugram, Haryana in India. In her mid twenties, she immigrated to the South of England and worked as a carer for many years. She enjoys creating paintings, poems, stories, photos, illustrations and other soft, positive things. Her work has appeared in Literary Orphans, Agave Magazine, Gravel Literary Journal, Monkeybicycle, Foliate Oak, MusePiePress, Dying Dahlia Review, The Rising Phoenix Review, Eunoia Review, Corvus Review, After The Pause and elsewhere. She writes full time for Thought Catalog.