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If you are someone who’s looking for a quick read of a short thriller based on true life events, then ‘Bag Ladies’ by Jean Lant will not disappoint you.
This book about two witty, humorous and strong ladies going through hell and back for the greed of money with their whole life falling apart and how they pull the whole scenes through is definitely fun-to-read; that had me realising a lot besides the theme of money and greed discussed by the author.
The characters are dimensional, lively and add a lot of essence to the story.
Though I slightly wished, Lant had included a little more suspense to the story so I did not have to be able to guess the sequences at certain points, I thoroughly enjoyed this quick ride of a jovial journey with Lant’s characters and amazing pace of story-telling.
Overall, I would rate this book a 3.5/5 for Lant’s usual awesomeness in how she carries her stories, how she adds a lot of life to her characters and her choice of story settings, dialogues and themes. After her book about Redemption, this is a sensual change for readers of Lant’s narrations.